Published On: June 19, 2024Categories: Email, ESG, shareholder communication1.9 min read
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Sustainability and ESG activity and reporting obligations are intensifying and affecting listed companies of all sizes, creating higher levels of reputation risk management as these companies now answer to “stakeholders,” “suppliers,” and “financiers” in addition to shareholders.

Here’s Why It’s Happening

Digital transformation, sustainability, ESG, and AI are simultaneously applying significant changes and pressures on corporate communications governance. The democratisation of access to information from multiple digital channels means companies must compete fiercely for attention.

Here’s The Negative Impact As Time Goes On

Sustainability frameworks require companies to invest in deeper stakeholder engagement and trust-building to protect themselves from external risks. The digital arena is the logical place to engage, but doing so is complicated. And listed companies are so very far behind.

Stakeholder engagement and reputation management are top priorities for Corporate Affairs teams worldwide, with leaders highlighting these as increasing priorities in the 2024 Corporate Affairs Survey by GlobeScan and the University of Oxford.

The pillars of a successful solution to these challenges

A Structured Communication Strategy

Transitioning to “push communications” (+ complete & modern IR website), digital sustainability-led approach requires a coordinated strategy to keep fragmentation and costs low and centralisation and ROI high.

The GRI Principles of Reporting Conformance

The GRI Principles of Reporting, emphasise timeliness, completeness, consistency, and reliability. Adopting GRI Standards of Reporting helps companies demonstrate a commitment to modern communications practices, and build stakeholder trust at a time when AI, misinformation and digital transformation are at their most dynamic and dangerous.

Adopting “Push Technology”

Using push technology through email alerts, the distribution of financial reports, news releases, daily share prices, valuation, liquidity and updates directly to investors and stakeholders ensures timely & relevant content reaches the right audience, at the right time, enhancing opportunity engagement and maintaining an informed investor base.

Applying SEO and Visibility Tools

Improved SEO tactics enhance content visibility, ensuring wider reach and higher engagement. Companies publishing their content on for distribution through The Investor Mailing List amplify outreach significantly, fostering stronger relationships and opportunities to engage with stakeholders & investors.

Engagement Policy

Effective stakeholder engagement is critical for sustainability and determining materiality. All communication published on websites takes readers back to a central Investor Support Centre which then accumulates engagement to be analysed for “materiality”.

“Push communications” helps achieve sustainability: as it identifies “materiality”.

Turnkey, communications solutions for every listed company in Africa

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AfricanFinancials works with Boards, CEOs and companies who want to build sustainable businesses through better corporate and investor communications. Our focus is online investor relations to promote secure two-way communications with investors and stakeholders.