Published On: June 29, 2023Categories: Email, Minimum Standards, Support1.6 min read
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The Power of Direct Communication

In the fifth installment of our series on the Minimum Standards of Online Investor Relations, we delve into the strategic use of push technology to forge direct connections with your online community. When you actively respond to feedback and disseminate information directly to your community, you fortify your reputation and extend your influence.

The Challenge in Investor Relations Communications

But here’s the rub… The investor relations communications function requires consistent, complete, accurate, and timely delivery of information to investor audiences. Fulfilling this demand is indeed a Herculean task.

The Importance of Content Integration

On a practical note, without integrating content, one could easily squander investment in creating a direct communications channel. However, when applied successfully, it paves the way for effective reputation risk management, appealing to retail, institutional, local, and foreign investors alike.

Tracking Progress: A Holistic Approach

To achieve these objectives, a holistic approach is vital. Determining if efforts are bearing fruit boils down to a simple check-box exercise. Our analytics reveal that one in four corporate emails are opened, whereas mobile app open rates significantly outpace this number.

Centralisation and Automation: Key to Robust Connections

To make this connection more robust, an amalgamation of share price information, dividend announcements, investor presentations, conference call transcripts, regulatory releases, and strategic content such as operational updates, must be centralized, integrated, and automated into direct delivery channels.

The Promise of Growth and Stronger Connections

Employing this strategy can facilitate substantial growth in the size of your community within a span of 2 – 4 years. The combined might of Public Relations (PR) and Investor Relations (IR) working in tandem truly holds transformative power, setting the stage for seamless communication and stronger connections with your investor community.

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Online Investor Relations Practices

Building effective online investor relations in emerging African markets presents unique governance challenges for public companies. Our guidelines aim to help these companies leverage their stock exchange listings and overcome communication hurdles.

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