Published On: July 20, 2023Categories: Investor Relations, Minimum Standards, shareholder communication1.8 min read
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Introduction: A Gap in Investor Relations Practices in Africa

One aspect of investor relations that often goes overlooked in African markets is the publication of transcripts from investor calls and events. This omission represents a missed opportunity in terms of communication and transparency.

The Value of Transcripts: An Overlooked Asset

Every digital interaction with investors, be it a call or a virtual event, generates potential written content. It’s simply a matter of transcribing the conversation and publishing it online. It’s a straightforward process that can significantly enhance investor communication.

Implementing a Communication/Disclosure Policy: Leveling the Information Playing Field

A single board-level communication/disclosure policy can resolve this gap in transparency: a requirement that verbal communication with investors is transcribed, curated, and published online. The benefits of such a policy are multifold:

  • Promoting equality of information access: Transcripts ensure that all investors, irrespective of their geographical location or the time they can dedicate to live events, have access to the same information.
  • Enhancing visibility: Publishing transcripts online increases the visibility of investor relations information, making it readily accessible to current and potential investors.
  • Improving communication: Written transcripts allow for more accurate and thoughtful comprehension of the information presented, reducing the risk of miscommunication or misunderstanding.
  • Maintaining integrity: Providing clear, accessible records of investor communications demonstrates a commitment to transparency and integrity, reinforcing trust in your company.

Leveraging Modern Technology: A Simple, Affordable Solution

The costs associated with transcribing calls and events are negligible, especially considering the benefits. Moreover, the implementation is relatively straightforward with the help of modern software tools.

Aligning Transcripts with Strategic Messaging: A Perfect Match

Transcript content can easily be tied to the integrated content pillars referenced in the Minimum Standard Of Online IR Number 4. Therefore, these transcripts can contribute to strategic corporate messaging at the highest level, reinforcing key themes and messages.

In conclusion, publishing transcripts and hosting virtual calls and events represent a simple yet impactful way to enhance investor relations. By doing so, companies can significantly improve communication, increase transparency, and foster trust with investors.

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Online Investor Relations Practices

Building effective online investor relations in emerging African markets presents unique governance challenges for public companies. Our guidelines aim to help these companies leverage their stock exchange listings and overcome communication hurdles.

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