Published On: July 13, 2023Categories: Analytics, Investor Relations, Minimum Standards, Strategy1.7 min read
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The Importance of Transparency in Corporate Governance

The seventh standard of the Minimum Standards of Online Investor Relations underlines the significance of publishing executive profiles for management and board members. This concept gains credence from the rules of the London Stock Exchange (LSE), specifically AIM Rule 26, which mandates ongoing disclosures about directors’ skills and experience.

AIM Rule 26 and Its Requirements

The rule necessitates that companies disclose the names of directors along with brief biographical details, usually akin to what would be included in an admission document. It further requires a description of board members’ responsibilities and the details of any board committees and their respective roles.

Interestingly, while the rule emphasises director profiles, it does not explicitly require management profiles. Contrary to this, our Minimum Standards of Online Investor Relations recommends that both management and board profiles be published.

Website Analytics Data and Executive Profile Visibility

Our website analytics data for investor relations illuminates an interesting trend. The executives’ profiles page is typically the most visited after the landing pages and the “About Us” section. This underlines the keen interest of investors and stakeholders in understanding the individuals who helm the organisation.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Executive Profile Creation

Regurgitating CV content verbatim or mentioning ongoing academic pursuits doesn’t present a holistic or beneficial picture of an executive. Rather, using an “inputs, outputs, and outcomes” model can significantly enhance the value of a profile.

Inputs would comprise the elements typically seen in a CV, outputs would encapsulate a job description, while outcomes would highlight how the executive has achieved or is working towards the long-term strategic goals of the company.

The Final Touch: Professional Imagery

Finally, complementing this valuable content with professional imagery can further enhance the executive profile, providing a comprehensive and engaging overview of the individuals steering the corporate governance of your organisation.

In essence, the publishing of corporate governance executive profiles is an essential step in fostering transparency, enhancing investor relations, and upholding the ethos of good corporate governance.

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Building effective online investor relations in emerging African markets presents unique governance challenges for public companies. Our guidelines aim to help these companies leverage their stock exchange listings and overcome communication hurdles.

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